Friday, February 25, 2011

Banquets and such

A big shout out goes to the CCCTA's council President thanks to her frugality, the plate that the waiter plopped down in front of me was the exact same thing that we had at last years banquet (as I remembered it the chicken fried steak wasn't very good) It wasn't hard to pass. I immediately removed the chocolate cake from in front of me and gave it away. It didn't even piss me off when everyone raved about the cake. It was the same damn cake that we had last year and as I remember it sucked. I told them that apparently they didn't know good cake because it looked like the same cake from last year and it was nothing special. I took a bite of the cheesy mashed potatoes and discovered they were big surprise from a box. What the hell kind of place uses boxed potatoes. Twenty bucks a plate for this REALLY? I skipped those too. I did eat all of my salad, and drizzled a tiny bit of ranch on it. I also had seconds on my veggies. I have to admit I was really dreading going to the banquet, I am not particularly social (even though I consider myself to be friendly). I just knew that I would stuff my face in order to get through it. It was not so bad, it was nice actually, I was seated with people that I knew and did not despise. The conversation was pleasant. I am pretty sure I can do this!

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