Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week seven

Tomorrow is week seven. So far I have lost 10 pounds. Which is good always better to lose in 7weeks of trying than gain. I however feel no different and look no different from what I can tell. Clothes are all still tight and the naked body is well no fun to look at. I was hoping for more loss and more of a noticeable change but on the bright side I am 1/4 of the way to my first goal!!! I really want to lose these 40 (now 30) pounds. I am thinking about going to San Diego with my family at the end of July. I know that I'm supposed to lose all the weight by May 1st but there is no way that is going to happen so my new goal for my self is 180 by July 25th. That is 15 weeks away, so I'll need to lose two pounds a week. Great thing is I'm already loosing a little more then 1 pound per week so just a little more exercise and I should be able to make two pounds a weeks. Other good thing is 2 pounds a week is the recommended goal.

1 comment:

  1. Okay that's my goal too, although I think I'll feel lucky to reach 190 by then.
