Monday, September 26, 2011

Are you addicted to carbs I know I am. Here is a test to find out.

After a full breakfast, do you get hungry before it's time for lunch?

Do you have a difficult time stopping, once you start to eat starches, snack foods, junk food, or sweets?

Do you sometimes feel unsatisfied even though you have just finished a meal?

Does the sight, smell, or even the thought of food, sometimes stimulate you to eat?

Do you sometimes eat even though you are not really hungry?

Are you sometimes unable to keep from snacking at night?

After a large meal, do you feel very sluggish, almost drugged?

Do you get unexplainably tired and/or hungry in the afternoon?

Have you at times continued eating even though you felt uncomfortably full?

Have you been on diet after diet, only to lose weight then regain it again?


(Count your "yes" answers)

0 - 2 You do not appear to be carbohydrate addicted.
3 - 4 You appear to have a mild carbohydrate addiction which, at times, you may be able to control (although not at all times) and with some difficulty.
5 - 7 Your score indicates that you are moderately addicted to carbohydrates. At times you may be able to control your eating but you may find that stress, premenstrual changes, tiredness, boredom, unexpressed anger or pressure may increase your carbohydrate cravings.
8 - 10 You have scored in the severe carbohydrate addiction range. You may be struggling to control your eating without realizing that your body has been fighting you, literally driving you to eat and then storing the excess food energy as fat.

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