Are you addicted to carbs I know I am. Here is a test to find out.
After a full breakfast, do you get hungry before it's time for lunch?
Do you have a difficult time stopping, once you start to eat starches, snack foods, junk food, or sweets?
Do you sometimes feel unsatisfied even though you have just finished a meal?
Does the sight, smell, or even the thought of food, sometimes stimulate you to eat?
Do you sometimes eat even though you are not really hungry?
Are you sometimes unable to keep from snacking at night?
After a large meal, do you feel very sluggish, almost drugged?
Do you get unexplainably tired and/or hungry in the afternoon?
Have you at times continued eating even though you felt uncomfortably full?
Have you been on diet after diet, only to lose weight then regain it again?
(Count your "yes" answers)
0 - 2 You do not appear to be carbohydrate addicted.
3 - 4 You appear to have a mild carbohydrate addiction which, at times, you may be able to control (although not at all times) and with some difficulty.
5 - 7 Your score indicates that you are moderately addicted to carbohydrates. At times you may be able to control your eating but you may find that stress, premenstrual changes, tiredness, boredom, unexpressed anger or pressure may increase your carbohydrate cravings.
8 - 10 You have scored in the severe carbohydrate addiction range. You may be struggling to control your eating without realizing that your body has been fighting you, literally driving you to eat and then storing the excess food energy as fat.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
New Monday
Here comes yet anouther new week lets see how much motivation I can find. I really think food is an addiction but how to kill or kick the addiction is beyond me. HMMM must give up bread.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Doing okay on the 30 day of meditation but have found that doing it at night is a very bad idea. My mind was flooded with memories of moms last night and i sat in the other room and cryed for an hour. No the spirital centering i was looking for. Morning time works much better all fresh and new. Been fighting a cold/fever bug thing. I am really ready for it to go away. Not doing much work on the diet side of things. I do really well till about 4pm then I eat too much of bad things from there out. Im a dork what can I say. In other news I HAVE A JOB YAY>!!!!! $600 every two weeks for 15-20 hours a week. I got to work from home for the most part so it fits right in to my life. or at least it should we shall see next week when I start. I hope I love it. That extra money would make our life a WHOLE lots easyer to pay for. So for the most part to doing good but also not really getting any skinnyer which is really the whole darn point of this blog so its just a so/so life lol
Monday, September 19, 2011
New 30 day Challange
Yesterday while enjoy Mikes day off I ran across a utube video on yoga. I was searching for strerching and yoga for em and I to start doing in the morning. She has recently started dance and is as stiff as a board so I figured be a good mommy and help her out with this little thing. Anywho Tara Stiles is from New York she teaches yoga and does diffrent You Tube videos about yoga, meditation, eatting right and trying new things that are good for you. Im going to start her 30 day meditation challange. Meditate 5 or more mins a day for 30 days. I used to do this all the time and got away from it when mom got sick. Maybe when i needed it most. So time to get life back on track. As for diet hmmm well. I am still trying. to be honest I dont want to diet I want to change my life style so that I never have to diet again. So each day im getting a little bit better at making a healthy choice. I sorta like this way of thinking. I walk in to make a meal im not on a diet so i can have ANYTHING I want. but the plumb is better for me then the ice cream and I get to choose what its going to be. I lost 1 pound last week with this theory so lets see if maybe I can lose two this week. Now im logging off to compleat my 5 mins.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Last week was a wash. For some reason if I dont start monday off with a bang the rest the week rushes by and I get nothing done that I wanted to. I had a nice long chat with Mike on the way up to Pinetop and we decided I try to hard. I so want Emily to do well that I end up adding to much stuff and making life just to hard for all of us. My mom very much did the UNschooling approach. It work I know I turned out fine Josh did too. We both have gone to college and done well. Even if josh has never gotten a degree. Regardles of knowing this I want more for Emily. I want her to have the power of knowledge on her side. So in short we picked three things to take out of her daily list of things to do. This will allow us to catch up on more important things and finish her days on time and not behind for the next week. As for weight im so sick of seeing 216.2 as there is only 3 days left before my one month goal is up and i have lost about one pound LMAO (at my self) O well theres always next month.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Goals Check in
After 17 days turns out I have met some of my goals
1. Give up Joe. I love him but like all men he is bad for me lol
- Joe is gone and out the door. I happly get the pot ready for mike each day and set the timer to go off promply at 5:30 am. Which means by the time I roll out of bed at 830 the pot is off and less tempting to get in to.
2. Blog once a day.
Hmm well I have not been blogging every day but darn close for the most part and it does m ake me feel better to have some where to vent. While only Lydia can see what I fee
l like venting about Im going with the idea of mainly talking to myself. Its odd Mom always wanted me to blog to her but I always over thought everything. When it come to you Miss Alydia I know you understand a im sorta crazy and will love me any way. I knew that with mom too but there is non of the self pressuer in this relationship so I know your forever away but you do great things for me.
3. Get Emily started on second grade and keep up with it.
YAY Emily has already started and we are currently finishing week 2. We have had to do home work on Saturday both weeks so far but were still getting used to things and I think that timing will work its self out over the next two weeks.
4. Find a job. Turns out pay for two households and a new house cost a ton.
HMM job is sorta taken off the table at this point. While we still dont really have "enough" money but just enough to scrap by for the rest of this summer and we can start saving in the winter time once cost for this are lower and we wont have to pay for gas for mike to get to work any more. Also our guess is that he should get a raise when he gets put in to his own truck. Also turns out I am not handing being off work very well but I am trying. Finding things for EM and I to do in order to fill the time is helping. This next week she is going to start Jazz dance and then Wednesday we are goign to a homeschool park day. Also thinking about going to ASU for my masters but have not put any effort in to that idea yet.
5. Lose 5+ pounds. Just checked current weight 217.4 DAMN I have gained 10 pounds since moving here. THIS MUST STOP!!!!
LMAO well i have lost some but nothing to jump up and down about 214.2 So 3 pounds down only need 2 more in abouts two weeks. If I say at this rate I should be okay.
So goals that still need work
1. Lose 2 more pounds
2. Get ems school work done by friday so were not having to play catch up on saturdays and can spend more time with mike.
1. Give up Joe. I love him but like all men he is bad for me lol
- Joe is gone and out the door. I happly get the pot ready for mike each day and set the timer to go off promply at 5:30 am. Which means by the time I roll out of bed at 830 the pot is off and less tempting to get in to.
2. Blog once a day.
Hmm well I have not been blogging every day but darn close for the most part and it does m ake me feel better to have some where to vent. While only Lydia can see what I fee
l like venting about Im going with the idea of mainly talking to myself. Its odd Mom always wanted me to blog to her but I always over thought everything. When it come to you Miss Alydia I know you understand a im sorta crazy and will love me any way. I knew that with mom too but there is non of the self pressuer in this relationship so I know your forever away but you do great things for me.
3. Get Emily started on second grade and keep up with it.
YAY Emily has already started and we are currently finishing week 2. We have had to do home work on Saturday both weeks so far but were still getting used to things and I think that timing will work its self out over the next two weeks.
4. Find a job. Turns out pay for two households and a new house cost a ton.
HMM job is sorta taken off the table at this point. While we still dont really have "enough" money but just enough to scrap by for the rest of this summer and we can start saving in the winter time once cost for this are lower and we wont have to pay for gas for mike to get to work any more. Also our guess is that he should get a raise when he gets put in to his own truck. Also turns out I am not handing being off work very well but I am trying. Finding things for EM and I to do in order to fill the time is helping. This next week she is going to start Jazz dance and then Wednesday we are goign to a homeschool park day. Also thinking about going to ASU for my masters but have not put any effort in to that idea yet.
5. Lose 5+ pounds. Just checked current weight 217.4 DAMN I have gained 10 pounds since moving here. THIS MUST STOP!!!!
LMAO well i have lost some but nothing to jump up and down about 214.2 So 3 pounds down only need 2 more in abouts two weeks. If I say at this rate I should be okay.
So goals that still need work
1. Lose 2 more pounds
2. Get ems school work done by friday so were not having to play catch up on saturdays and can spend more time with mike.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Small Changes
They say small changes will equal great reward lets hope that is true. I am still getting the hang of this whole stay at home mom thing. The house stay rather clean. Even the bed gets made everyday. Ems doing okay in homework we may be a little tiny bit behind already but were getting there and I am still making small changes to a healthy life stly. We went to the library this week and I got some books on low GI eatting. Brushing up on the facts and finding new things to make. I am off my sleeping pills again and back to eatting healthy for the most part. If i could just find the will power to not go for the sweets. Heres to finding will power it must be out there somewhere.
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